Location: Dublin Manor Condos, 1117 Willow Bend Cir, #4, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 El Paso County
Auction-Reserve Sale: Reserve Price $230,000. Worldbid Auction December 7th 2023 Noon via sealed bid. Pre-Auction offers are accepted with any contingencies up to November 27th 2023 Noon Mountain Time. Auction day bids are non-contingent. If you submit a Pre Auction offer, seller will provide buyer a credit of $5,000 at close of escrow, if buyer submits Pre Auction offer no later than November 27th 2023 and buyer ‘s offer is accepted by the seller and buyer closes escrow no later than November 27th 2023. No exceptions to the date deadlines will be allowed. A 3% buyer’s premium must be added to your offer. Auction day bidding, Buyer’s may obtain financing, though is not a contingency. Proof of funds to close, approval letter, a $3,000 registration deposit is required with your auction day bid. You may conduct your inspections anytime.

Additional Auction Info: https://premiereestates.com/1117-willow-bend-circle-unit-b-colorado-springs-co-80918/
Property Info: https://www.peakdream.com/homes-for-sale-details/1117-WILLOW-BEND-CIRCLE-B-COLORADO-SPRINGS-CO-80918/3515125/68/
Contact the Listing Agent: https://www.peakdream.com/agent-detail/Toby-Lorenc/123657/