Fireplace and Furnace Cleaning, Plus Other Safety Items

Before you move into your new home, concentrate on the safety items. Find a professional to clean and service your fireplace (whether it’s a natural gas fireplace or wood-burning fireplace). A chimney sweep can also inspect the firebox and chimney to make sure they are ready for your first night by the fire. In addition, any other heat sources for your home (typically a furnace) should be cleaned and serviced to make sure they are safe and healthy. Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors should already be installed, but make certain they’re functioning properly. Finally, make sure you have a working fire extinguisher in your home.
Pest Control / Exterminator
Have an exterminator come inspect and treat your home. Especially if the home has been vacant for a while, it will help eliminate the creepy-crawlers lingering around the house. Plus, you may need mouse traps or other services to help deal with unwelcome guest. Make sure to inform them if you have pets and ask about the best practices for keeping your furry friends safe and healthy.
Interior Decorator

Now comes the fun part! Make the home your own and customize it to your style. From picking out furniture, to paint colors and flooring, an interior decorator will be a great investment. Different companies offer different services, so ask about a one-time consultation if your budget is tight. However, a good interior decorator can significantly help with advising and even project managing your home design and décor.
Roofing Company
Based on your home inspection, this may not be necessary right away. However, many roofers will come out and do a free estimate and assessment. Roof leaks aren’t fun and do a lot of interior damage if not addressed. Also, make sure your gutters are free of leaves and debris and that you’re getting proper drainage away from the foundation of your home.
Landscape Architect

You don’t want to be inside all the time! So make your outdoor space a useable and attractive area. Find a great residential landscape architect to help. Not only will this upgrade your home’s curb appeal, efficient and thoughtful landscaping can help reduce water costs and add value to your home. Just like the interior design, the exterior design can be a thoughtful plan and process to make the most of your land.
Whether it’s deferred maintenance from the last owner or additions you’re making to your new home, there are always small things that need to be tweaked, repaired, installed, built, hung, removed, (etcetera) that may not require a specific licensed professional. Find a great handyperson you can call on unless you’re handy yourself. It will save you lots of time and frustration in the long run. Plus, fixing these things in your home at move-in will help make the transition easier and perhaps save costs in the long run.
Finding Resources and Professionals
Not sure how to find these professionals? Your real estate agent is a great start. They are often using these services and connected to the local contractors and businesses. Homeowners who are looking to hire professional cleaners may contact Diamond Home Support in Hereford. Also, local online groups including Facebook pages and Yelp are often set up to get others advice and feedback of professionals they’ve used. Other resources include the Better Business Bureau, asking friends and family, or dealing with a past company which you’ve had a great experience. They can also recommend cleaning professionals that specialize in Deep Bathroom Cleaning.