Fall in Colorado Springs means the longest running women’s film festival in North America is just around the corner! November 2019 will bring another year of films from all over the country and a gathering for everyone to experience them, not just women!
The origin of the festival dates back to 1987 when two women started brainstorming on the way back from the Telluride Film Festival, and realized they could make Colorado Springs as cool as Telluride….actually, cooler.. And yes, the films are topics are to “present the world as women experience it” but these films impact and spark individuals of every sex and walk of life. It’s still a mystery why more people (I’m talking to you gentlemen) don’t attend this fantastic local event.
The weekend (November 15-17, 2019) kicks off with an epic party on Friday night at the Cornerstone Arts Center at Colorado College. It’s a city party that attendees will continue to talk about all year long. Tickets are a must, and can be purchased for this event alone. But that’s no fun? Upgrade yourself and grab a Full Festival Pass for the entire weekend so you’ll have access to all the screenings, parties, and opportunities to meet directors, actors, and more.
See the Rocky Mountain Women’s Film Festival for tickets and additional information, including programming and events, or to simply make a donation: https://rmwfilm.org/festival/
Active Duty or Retired Military? Take advantage of the military discount, plus check out the Military Free Day on Sunday, November 17th. Simply enter “Military” in the offer code to redeem either offer and be prepared to show your valid military ID at will call.