Historic Home

Original Fireplace and Hardwood Floors Retro Kitchen Upper Apartment With Mountain Views
1003 E Boulder St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 A charming historic home near downtown Colorado Springs has been in the same family for 83 years, three generations in the family. When they purchased it in 1937, it was being used as a boarding house and over the years they crafted it to meet their family’s needs. As Colorado Springs grew rapidly in the mid 1900’s, there was need for additional housing with the influx of soldiers at the local army base. This unique home on Boulder St is just a mile from the heart of downtown and was a perfect location for a rental property. So, the owners closed of the upstairs from the inside of the home and created an exterior entrance to the 3 bedrooms, full kitchen and bathroom on the upper level to use it as a rental. Throughout the years, they’ve kept the original character and charm by maintaining and preserving this unique property, which still has most of the original hardware, wood trim, solid wood pocket doors, and hardwood flooring. | MLS # 6031664, 3258 sq ft. Listed at $650,000 http://1003-e-boulder-street.htour4u.com/
Former Safeway Grocery Store on Historic Site in Florence, CO

111 Church Ave, Florence, CO 81226 Located in Fremont County, this building has some significant history in the City of Florence (known as the Antique Capital of Colorado), but more significant is the site it’s located. Before this building was constructed in 1960, the area was a railroad freight yard and interchange for trains for the Florence & Cripple Creek Railroad. After changing hands in ownership, the current building was built as a Safeway grocery store which closed in the 1980’s. The property now houses a large antique store (Willie’s Antiques and Collectables) which also has an attached residence in the back of the store. The residential suite allows the owners to work and live in the same location, and includes a nicely appointed condo with all the amenities like granite countertops and wood floors, in-unit washer and dryer, and a covered porch outside. It’s a prime location for retail, at the end of Main Street right along a popular highway that connects the larger Canon City to Florence. | MLS # 5547826, 8007 sq ft. Listed at $799,500 http://111-church-avenue.htour4u.com/
Main Street Retail Store with Residential Loft Living Above

122 E Main Street, Florence, CO 81226 This work-live concept is a great opportunity to have a prime location for your store or business, plus zero commute to work and the opportunity to live on Main Street in downtown. Located within steps of excellent local restaurants, antique stores, coffee shops and even a bowling alley. The loft above includes 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and about 1200 sq ft of living space, similar to the retail space below. Plus, there’s some great history in this building from 1895, which can be found by contacting the local historic society at the Florence Pioneer Museum and Research Center. You can even have your friend open their business next door and be neighbors, as 124 E Main St is also on the market. | MLS # 1542045, 2580 sq ft. Listed at $430,000 http://122-e-main-street.htour4u.com/

Defunct Golf Course in Canon City
1232 County Road 143, Canon City, CO 81212 Ask a local Fremont County resident and most will remember the Shadow Hills Golf Course. Once a community meeting place and destination for an afternoon in the sunshine playing golf and drinks at the clubhouse, this former golf course is now for sale. Despite the empty pool and overgrown course, there are still signs of the memories and reminders of the opportunity in such an investment. The game room and bar still host pool and ping pong tables, with many of the commercial furnishings still on-site. Plus, the mountain views off the balcony and through the large picture windows in the 10,000 square foot club house keeps investors dreaming about what to do with the 197-acre property. Perhaps a future home community or keeping the grounds commercial as an event center? The location is ideal for easy access to recreation and popular destinations like the City of Florence (known as the Antique Capital of Colorado), and some of the top tourist attractions like Royal Gorge Bridge and Park. There are some many options for how to use this property in the future, but locals will never forget the great memories here. | MLS # 63952 Listed at $2,800,000 https://www.peakdream.com/homes-for-sale-details/1232-CR-143-CANON-CITY-CO-81212/63952/468/